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Yellow Flowers of Sulphur 4 oz


What is Flowers of Sulphur?

Flowers Of Sulphur is naturally-occurring volcanic brimstone deposits. It is a natural mineral that has been used as a remedy for centuries. In ancient texts such as the Bible it is called brimstone, and 2,000 years ago it was used as a remedy for skin disorders and other ailments.


Flowers Of Sulphur (FOS) is also known as yellow sulphur (sulfur) powder, is a bright yellow powder obtained from naturally-occurring volcanic brimstone deposits. It is elemental sulphur.

FOS is a natural mineral that has been used as a remedy for centuries. In ancient texts such as the bible it is called brimstone, and 2,000 years ago it was used as a remedy for skin disorders and other ailments.


You can buy flowers of sulphur at pet shops and animal stock feed stores. Farmers, those with animal stock, and pet breeders have used it for many decades, but the pharmaceutical and medical industries prefer that people do not know about it. It is too cheap and too effective.


Flowers of sulphur is not the same as MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) or DMSO because those are synthetic. This form does the same things but is natural.


Health benefits:Flowers of Sulphur is an antiseptic and antifungal. It is suitable for use for humans and animals experiencing:

• Skin: Dry, scaly, itchy, red skin. Relieves itching and scratching
• Eczema, dermatitis, Psoriasis
• Fungal infections such as ringworm, athlete’s foot and jock itch and scabies

• Treats and heals diaper rash
• Metabolic Issues
• Alzheimer’s Disease
• Arthritis

• Digestive Issues: Relieves the tendency to regurgitate food, vomiting and chronic diarrhea
• Pre-menstrual syndrome• Candida
• Hemorrhoids, Anal fissures
• Mouth Ulcers and Canker Sores
• Sore throat: as a gargle
• Antiseptic: Kills bacteria and fungi on the skin, it can be applied directly to wounds and cuts
• Lice and Mites
• Insect repellant: chiggers/mites, fleas, mosquitos
• Helps with mental stress, lack of energy and willpower
• Bronchitis
• Sciatica
• Hair and Nail Growth


HIGH PURITY > 99,9 %Chemical formula : SCAS Number : 7704-34-9EINECS Number : 231-722-6INDEX Number CE : 016-094-00-1Molecular weight : 32,06 g/mol

Yellow Flowers of Sulphur

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  • INGREDIENTS: Organic Yellow Flowers of Sulphur, no fillers

    SUGGESTED USE: You can apply flowers of sulphur directly to your skin as a dry powder. Shake it on, rub it in, or use a powder puff or a flour shaker. Use it like talcum powder. (note: Hope Creek does not recommend talcum powder as it is harmful to both skin and lungs). When using it on your skin, test it with a small quantity at first, and then use whatever quantity seems to be effective for your particular situation.

    Flowers of sulphur can be used internally, and traditionally it is taken with molasses (treacle). A small pinch, less than the size if a match head, is mixed with a teaspoon of molasses and that is suficient dose for one day. Normally it is not taken for more than three days in a row. When used internally it has a mild laxative effect. Warning - test with very small amounts before taking yellow sulfur internally. A very few people react strongly to it.

    You can mix FOS with skin oils and skin creams, for use on your own skin.To make an ointment, use coconut oil, palm oil, petroleum jelly, olive oil, cocoa butter or any other skin oil as you need. Slowly warm the oil to melt it, add 2 or 3 tablespoons of sulphur powder to a cup of oil, mix well and allow to cool.

    Children, pregnant women and those who are breastfeeding should not use FOS without medical supervision because little is known about its possible effects on the fetus, infant or child.

    *Flowers of sulphur is not the same as MSM (methylsulfonylmethane), which is also a source of sulphur. MSM is synthetic and therefore not recommended. Be careful to avoid wearing silver jewelry while applying sulfur to the skin as any granules that contact the precious metal will turn it black.


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