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Boldo Peumus Boldus Tincture 2 oz


Boldo Is a rich aromatic tree. It is very known in South America. it has good use as a Natural remedy for many health problems. It has been used for many medicinal and dietary reason from ancient times. Benefits may include: 


Treatment for Gallstone — Boldo contains alkaloid, Boldin, that help to stimulates the secretion of bile. You can find hundreds of content where all pointed out that this herb can gallstone related problem. 


Treat Liver diseases — works by detoxing the liver.


Urinary Tract Infections — Bold can stimulate the secretion of uric acid, which makes them effective in the treatment of  UTI (urinary tract infections).  


Treats Anxiety with it’s sedative properties.


Stimulates blood circulation with it’s blood thinning property. And also help to remove clots from the blood. 


Controls high cholesterol levels


Treat Coughs


Lowers Blood Pressure


Treat Arthritis with it’s anti-inflammatory properties.


Boost Immunity with it’s anti-bacterial, Anti-inflammatory and Antipyretic property.


Anti-Oxidant by preventing the formation of free radicals that cause cell damage. 


Boost Digestive System can help treat to alleviate digestive issues like loss of appetite, heartburn, constipation and gas formation.mAlso helps to prevent Intestinal worms. And also help to get rid of stomach pain due to indigestion.

Boldo Peumus Boldus Tincture

  • INGREDIENTS:  Boldo Peumus Boldus

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