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Albrecht Dürer's Rhinoceros — Our unique collage art project looks at Dürer's THE RHINOCEROS. Includes artist information and a look at his work along with loads of images. We practice drawing an animal that "has a horn, etc." and see what we get before we look at the rhino — just like Dürer who never actually saw a rhinoceros in person! We particularly study his Rhino woodcut and note all the texture he drew on it. This combines loads of texture into a puzzle collage.


We had our Kindergarten class tackle this first with the simple collage pieces that we cut out for them in different texture papers, they added more texture on the background and on top of the pieces and we assembled all together. We kept the colors true using lots of brown and gray tones. This was so amazing we extended it to grade 1 and 2 and could be adapted to more grades.

Art History K 1 2 K-2 Elementary Albrecht Dürer Rhino Rhinoceros Project Lesson

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