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HUE TINT TONE AND SHADE — 9This is a little more advanced Color Theory to help students begin to identify the differences between hues, tints, tones and shades and really get a firm grasp on what they are and then visually identifying them. Worksheet asks them the dominant hue, mix 2 of their own colors and then identify each in 2 artworks and one photograph. Teacher resources include the answers, enlarged color wheel, etc.


I really had a hard time finding anything that made a good worksheet for introducing these concepts. I like to solidify these definitions in student's brains. Makes a great introduction, bell ringer, etc. to get students using their eyes, etc. Use any medium when they make their own set of 2 colors - colored pencil, paint, digital, etc.

Art Color Theory & Graphic Design Hue Tint Shade & Tone Worksheet Lesson

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