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Graphic Design Services


Here at Hope Creek Studios our mission is to share our love of art through our lesson plans, Blog - Create&Learn, and graphic design services. We have two talented teachers and designers who enjoy being creative while learning and sharing with others. 

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1Peter 4:10
Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms 

Emmie Cooper

Graphic Designer and Pre- K Art Teacher. She has a great love for art and working with kids and teaching them all about the creative process.

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women in front of wall with a projected image on it

Tonya LS Cooper

An amazing K- 12th Art Teacher and Graphic Designer. Tonya has a passion, especially with the older kids, for teaching about fine art. 

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women taking a seflie in front of a shed

Meet  Our Artists

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