Our Mission
Here at Hope Creek, our mission is to teach and share our knowledge in Health&Wellness and Design&Art to benefit others.

We are the Coopers and we have a homestead in the Ozark Mountains. Our Family has been blessed greatly with the ability to learn about many different things and we want to share some of what we have gained with others. We are an all natural, holistic, crunchy, organic, non -gmo family. Many see us as crazy for this but we do this so we can have an all around healthy lifestyle and we want to share
our knowledge to help others achieve this as well.
A little more about us: In our big family we have a wide range of talents and interests - we have artists, animal lovers, sport fanatics, and gardeners. From our artists, who are graphic designers and art teachers- they want to share their services and art teaching lessons and resources and so we created Hope Creek Studios. From our healthy
crunchy members of the family, they have made and we all use our own health
products- and from this we created Hope Creek Acres.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with HOPE by the power of the Holy Spirit